What Does Literature Mean To You?

Were you asked to give your own definition of a certain topic before? Were you able to come up with your own definition?

And what if I were to ask you to define literature in your own words? How would you define it? Mind-boggling, right?

Well, if you were to ask me, literature is the art of storytelling. These stories are products of a vivid imagination or real-life experiences. As readers, we can understand and feel the ideas and emotions within the story, and that is what makes us human.

Reading Literature grants us access to the author's perspective, transporting us into both fictional and real worlds. Whether the narrative is imaginary or grounded in reality, it offers valuable lessons that serve as practical tools for our daily lives.

Why Filipinos should still be reading literature in English by other Filipinos?

Filipinos should read Literature written by fellow Filipinos to gain deeper insights into our society and cultural identity. Philippine Literature is also relatable and facilitates easy connections. In contrast, foreign writers often describe things like winter, which we don't experience, or mention animals like hyenas, which are only found in South Africa, making it hard to relate.

Now, how will you define literature? Feel free to post your answers below.


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