The Battle Against Laws Prohibiting Interracial Marriage

The expression "Love conquers all" suggests that love can overcome any obstacle. But imagine living in the 17th and 18th centuries when there was a law in the US prohibiting marriage between individuals of different races. Would you still pursue love?

Throughout history, white America upheld racial segregation to safeguard what they called the "purity" of the white race, primarily through anti-miscegenation laws. These laws aimed to prevent white women from associating with men of other races, purportedly for their protection.

Below is a well-written article by Alex S. Fabros Jr., a retired Philippine-American Military History professor.

When Hilario Met Sally: The Fight Against Anti-Miscegenation Laws (complete article here)

Alejo Filomeno and Jessie Chaverria (with daughter Mary Ester) had to go to New Mexico to get married. (Source: Mary Ester Filomeno Collection, FAX-RP, San Francisco)




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